Hi! I’m Alvis. I am a researcher at Huawei, interested in Machine Learning, Optimization, Data Mining, and Data Management.
I received a PhD in Computer Science from Aarhus University, an MSc in Computer Science from Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, and a BSc in Applied Physics and Mathematics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Techology.
Refereed Conferences and JournalPermalink
A. Logins, J. He, K. Paramonov, “Block-Structured Deep Learning-Based OFDM Channel Equalization”, in IEEE Communications Letters, [ doi ]
A. Logins, Y. Li, P. Karras, “On the Robustness of Diffusion in a Network under Node Attacks”, in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, [ doi, pdf, code ]
A. Khurana, A. Logins, P. Karras, “Selecting Influential Features by a Learnable Content-Aware Linear Threshold Model”, in Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020), October 2020, pp. 635–644. [ doi, pdf, code ]
A. Logins, Y. Li, P. Karras, “On the Robustness of Cascade Diffusion under Node Attacks”, in Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW 2020), April 2020, pp. 2711–2717 [ doi, pdf, code ]
A. Logins, P. Karras. “Content-Based Network Influence Probabilities: Extraction and Application”, in Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW 2019), Beijing, China, November 2019, pp. 69–72. [ doi, pdf, code ]
A. Logins, P. Karras, “An Experimental Study on Network Immunization”, in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2019), Lisbon, Portugal, March 2019, pp. 726–729. [ doi, pdf, code ]
A. Logins, P. Karras, C. S. Jensen, “Multicapacity Facility Selection in Networks”, in Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2019), Macao, Macao SAR, April 2019, pp. 794–805. [ doi, pdf, code ]
A. Logins, “Node Selection in Large Networks”, in Proceedings of the IEEE 34th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2018) PhD Symposium, Paris, France, April 2018, pp. 1689-1693. [ doi, pdf ]
A. Logins, S. Grudinin, “Protein structure rigidity simulation based on statistical analysis of structural databases and optimization problems”, In Proceedings of the 59th All-Russian MIPT Scientific Conference, Moscow, Russia, 2014. Best paper award in the “Research on Nanostructures” section.
Theses and DissertationPermalink
A. Logins. “Resource Allocation in Networks”, PhD Dissertation, Aarhus University, 2020. [ pdf ]
A. Logins. “Data-Driven Algorithms for Spatial Network Flow Problems”, MSc Thesis, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 2016. [ pdf, code ]
A. Logins. “Protein structure rigidity simulation based on statistical analysis of structural databases and optimization problems”, BSc Thesis, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 2014.
Other ProjectsPermalink
- Personal blog https://blog.alogins.net/, 2018–2021.
- Web site for a photography/videography studio “SIA LT Studija” https://videostudija.lv/, 2020-2021.